Monday 3 October 2011


A plan almost FOUR years in the planning…

Spanning people from Malaysia and Philippines, but meeting in Singapore (talk about being *ahem* international)

Multiple email threads that subsequently got hijacked to talk about beauty because we’re mad like that…




Okay, it wasn’t as epic as the ABBW 2011 we’ve been hearing so much about from the Aussie bloggers, but we like to think it was just as much fun…we finally met up with Nikki @ Askmewhats! :D

Camwhoring at its most epic – squeezing 6 girls into the same pic. Hah! :P (and we didn’t even need a wide-angle lens after dinner…teeheehee…)

It was awesome! Plenty of food, horrifyingly loud peals of laughter – it’s a good thing we got a private room, otherwise……

Despite the taunts and jibes, Nikki and Xin did NOT do their much talked about dance (darn, come we let them off so easy??)…although Xin became a rather amused ‘tiang’ (Malay for ‘pole’) for us…*ahem*

The whole group with our ‘official’ photographer, Mr Askmewhats…

What else can I say? We had a total blast over the weekend…I think we love Nikki even more after this, if that’s even possible (Mr AMW, you’ve got competition! :P)

And the next meet up will NOT take another 4 years! :D

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At 7:04 pm, October 03, 2011 , Anonymous Paris B said...

It was a blast and yes, we do love Nikki long time :P Must definitely NOT be another 4 years before we get together again

At 7:26 pm, October 03, 2011 , Blogger Connie De Alwis said...

4 years would be waaaayyy too long!!

At 10:05 pm, October 03, 2011 , Blogger l y n said...

Cute! Looks like y'all had a fab time :-) It's so nice to form friendships through a shared interest.

At 8:00 am, October 04, 2011 , Anonymous Tine said...

Oooh the jealousy monster is wielding its ugly head again here :P
Seriously though, I'm so pleased you ladies finally caught up with Nikki in real life. I really do hope she makes a visit to Australia soon. Imma smooch her real hard :P

At 4:13 pm, October 04, 2011 , Anonymous xin said...

YEAY INDEED! hopefully there will be another round of #surreal moments soon

At 2:09 pm, October 05, 2011 , Blogger beetrice said...

Paris: roadtrip time? :D

Connie: waaayy too long! how about next year? :P

l y n: we had an awesome time - there will always be plenty to talk about over food and beauty! :D

Tine: aww soon babe, soon! :)

Xin: most definitely, #believeitornot I'm already looking forward to the next round!


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