Friday 24 September 2010

Bloom Butterfingers Shea Butter Hand Cream…

It's Friday! :D Well, it's F1 weekend here in Singapore so the whole road system here is pretty much like downtown KL on a rainy Friday at 5pm - traffic jams everywhere. I'll be heading in the opposite direction instead to Harbourfront for some window shopping, thank goodness for the trains!

Anyway, while going through my unopened stash a while back, I came across this hand cream which had been gifted to me by someone in Australia (Bloom is Australian after all). The packaging was such a cute baby pink, not to mention the description was so cute, I had to open it.

Bloom Butterfingers Shea Butter Hand Cream is a smooth, fast absorbing hand cream rich in nourishing Shea Butter and skin softening Sweet Almond Oil. Scented with Lavender and Geranium essential oils. Let natural shea butter give you a hand to nourish and protect your pretty paws.

The Verdict:
The goal was obviously to have ‘pretty paws’ after using this, which I found so funny. I typically prefer my hand creams to be less strongly scented during the day to avoid clashing with my perfume, and the shea butter, sweet almond oil, lavender and geranium in the description had me ready to relegate it to the ‘night use only’ pile. It didn’t though, the reason why I’ll go into a bit later.

The opening of the tube is actually quite big, and the tube is sealed for hygienic purposes which is good. Texture-wise, it’s quite creamy and sinks quite readily into my skin without too much oiliness. As for the smell, it was pretty strong to begin with, but has rather dissipated a bit after opening the tube. The smell of the cream itself also doesn’t linger very long, which is why I can use it during the day as opposed to only at night.

So, did I have ‘pretty paws’ after using this? Ermm…yes...and no. While this cream sank in like a dream and nicely moisturised my ‘paws’, the effects didn’t last too long either. I found I had to reapply throughout the day compared to say, my Crabtree & Evelyn Gardeners Hand Remedy, where one application can last me most of the day. As this was a gift, I’m not too bothered about the lasting power, but personally I’d prefer to buy a tube of my Gardeners even if it costs RM80+ per 100ml for the results.

Bloom Butterfingers Shea Butter Hand Cream retails at approximately AUD$16 for a 75ml tube. There is also a 250ml pump bottle version that surprisingly retails at just AUD$15.28 on the website.

Rating: 3 / 5
Value: $

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